During the first wave of COVID, I heard many innovative dating stories that lead to loving relationships.

One of my favourites involved Veronica who met David at a Tim Horton’s parking lot.  They happened to be a couple in their late 70’s and were understandably concerned about keeping safe during this unusual time.

Veronica had said to me that even though she was cancer survivor she was keenly aware that she didn’t want to waste precious years alone.  She had been happily married before losing her husband 3 years earlier and currently lived in an amazing condo in downtown Toronto.

David was an avid traveller and had a lovely waterfront home in the Burlington area.

They parked in opposite directions in the Tim Horton’s parking lot and rolled down their windows.  After laughing at the ludicrous circumstances they talked for an hour and discovered many similarities and things they had in common.  After a while David mentioned that he had made a picnic and wondered if she felt comfortable taking it down to the waterfront and sharing it. They ended up wiling away most of the afternoon and evening chatting over sandwiches and cokes.  She was thrilled and he was enthralled!

They are still together and spend their time planning future travel to exotic locals.  They have decided to spend the winter at her condo until travel restrictions are lifted and next summer in Burlington on the water.

Yes, people, Love is possible even during a pandemic.  This is one of many couple who discovered love and romance during the spring and summer of 2020.  Matchmakers have the power to find you the love you’re looking for.  If you’re new to the dating scene, Misty River Introductions also offers individual coaching to guide you through it.


Dating during COVID


Dating during COVID