Don’t fall for the swipe hype if you’re looking for something real

So many people have described modern day dating through the exhausting and fruitless attempts made at finding a real relationship through tinder and bumble like apps.

The problem with these apps are you are relying too heavily on just a photo to help you choose someone with the hopes they will be a lifelong partner.

So much more is needed to determine whether or not someone is a good match. Matchmakers are here to help you determine if you share goals, lifestyle, hobbies, interests, culture and values with an individual.

Go through your mental Rolodex and remember all the people you’ve been attracted to and dated. If you had seen their picture and only their picture on a phone app would you have chosen them? Chances are, PROBABLY NOT!

Professional matchmakers work with each client to determine the many factors that go into finding them a great match. They use physical attributes as only one of the many criteria that goes into making a match. Obviously, everyone has a ‘type’ that they like and that’s extremely useful when creating a match but so is determining what other qualities are going to sustain a relationship for each client.

Dating apps are fun but for real love don’t trust your heart to a photo. Hire a professional matchmaker.


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