Techniques for talking to a woman and keeping her interested

Single men frequently come to me to guide them through best practices to ace their upcoming first date with the hopes of getting a second.

The first step in our dating process should come at no surprise… we send all our clients a brief overview of who they are going to be meeting. We always recommend reading through it to learn more about your date’s interests. Armed with this information, you are now ready to bring up different topics of conversation that will keep your date engaged. It is important to remember not to monologue, let her lead you away from that if that’s where it looks like you are heading. Most importantly let her talk/lead the conversation after you have asked your initial question. Not every silence has to be filled with you talking or telling her about yourself. Letting a silence linger for more than a few seconds allows her to ask questions or tell you about yourself.

I know you’re nervous, especially if you’re attracted to her. That’s okay. Let it work for you. The strong silent type is popular for a reason. People love to talk about the subject they know best, themselves. Let her run with it. If she likes you, over time she will want to learn more about you. Let it happen naturally.

Make sure you ask about her family, kids (if she has them), her job/career and her hobbies.

Lastly, make sure you pick a place food is served. Part of courting is feeding. It also gives you both the time to relax, be yourselves and enjoy each others company.


Confessions of a Matchmaker - Part 2


Confessions of a Matchmaker